Sunday, December 3, 2006

winter holiday

oooooooooooo....WINTER .so nice;snow evrywhere and since I never went Skiing in my life I finally dared to go to the mountains with my friends and imitate skiing...To be is a pain in the ;;;Not ass,but knee

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

back to school

why after every wonderfulll summer there must be a new academic year...still,October came and along ith it ,school came too...UGLY PANCARD

Thursday, August 3, 2006

living the american dream

If you ever thought of going there do not it,it is worth it.Me and my friend went there for the summer /we worked,earned a lot of money and had so much fun that we were broke when we came home...but what memories....

Sunday, July 2, 2006

WELL?it is time to share with you a background of''what I did last summmer'' so...are you ready?

Friday, June 2, 2006

me and my friends

It is said that the best way to judge a person is by his friends...if that is true,I think that I am dynamic, funny ,smart,beautiful,charming and charismatic.But not all quotes are true so I'm afraid that only a few of this qualities aply to me...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Saturday, April 1, 2006

my first day of school

this picture says quite a lot about how I saw school as a 6 years old child...not to optimistic about it right?

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

short history of myself

Libra,October, wonderfull parents, beautiful country, stupid things done as a child but come on,nobody is perfect.Ambitious, outgoing,courageaous,little but strong hobbies and not many but really reliable friends

my first picture

let's face it :I was not the most gorgeous aby ever but at least I was funny ...look at the face,a friend told me that Allien wasinspired after my "little" head.Still,being an only child my parents bragged a lot about their precious tresure,thought sometimes they were thinking to give me away,just jocking